Women’s Rights
Sylvia has been a tireless advocate for women since her student days fighting for the Equal Rights Amendment. A strong legislative record supporting abortion access, quality health care for women, educational opportunity for all girls, and promoting women in leadership backs up a lifelong commitment to women and girls.
Congresswoman Garcia is a staunch advocate for women’s rights in Washington and a proud member of both the Democratic Women’s Caucus and the Pro Choice Caucus. While MAGA extremists attack women’s rights nationally and at home in Texas, Congresswoman Garcia is fighting for legislation to guarantee women’s access to healthcare at the federal level.
Sylvia is a strong and steady voice for equal rights in the halls of power. Congresswoman Garcia’s record on human and civil rights has been recognized by many organizations over the course of her career, including the Houston GLBT Political Caucus and the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund. Her fight on behalf of trans Texans is second to none among Democratic senators, including introducing legislation that would make gender marker changes a predictable and clear civil process versus the current system that is uncertain, expensive and requires a lawyer and court proceedings. In Washington, she is a proud member of the Equality caucus, and supports legislation that would protect the rights of all members of the LGBTQ community.
Immigration Policy with a Heart
Congresswoman Garcia doesn’t just advocate on behalf of new Americans out of political convenience. She fights for fair immigration policy rooted in deeply held moral beliefs.
And it shows. As the lead sponsor of the Dream and Promise Act, Sylvia has fought for legislation that would finally create a pathway to citizenship for our Dreamers. She also supports expansion of TPS rights to any country in need, and an overhaul of our immigration system. Back home, Sylvia has led the fight against Governor Abbott’s wasteful spending on Operation Lone Star and militarization of our border communities.
Congresswoman Garcia knows that immigrants make America stronger, and that our laws should reflect that.
An Equal Opportunity Economy
Good paying jobs and quality education are the pillars of Sylvia’s economic philosophy. Good paying jobs create security and opportunity today. Quality education for our children creates opportunity and security for tomorrow.
The MAGA tax plan passed in 2017 has increased taxation for working families across the 29th Congressional District. MAGA Republicans in Congress now want to slash Social Security and Medicare, feeding our senior citizens and vulnerable population to the wolves.
Sylvia is unafraid to stand up to anti-labor MAGAS. Her broad support from workers’ unions reflects her staunch record fighting for working families.
Recently, Houston was awarded more than $1 Billion to create a hydrogen hub on the Houston Ship Channel, a project that will bring thousands of high-paying jobs to the district while enhancing renewables and energy security for our country.
Equal Access to Financial Services
As the Vice Ranking Member of the Financial Services committee, Sylvia has taken the needs of her constituents to the dais. In this position, she has championed legislation to increase language access to mortgage materials, increase access to capital and banking services, and protect consumers against dangerous scams. On the Financial Services Committee, she also fights to increase affordable housing and supports investment into housing infrastructure.
Saving Our Democracy
Our democracy is under attack.
Congresswoman Garcia has been one of our democracy’s strongest defenders in Congress. From being selected by Speaker Nancy Pelosi to serve as an impeachment manager to presenting the case in front of the US Senate to fighting for voting rights here in Texas, Sylvia understands that our nation is facing a crisis like never before.
She firmly believes that democracy is a gift that each generation passes onto the next, and will keep fighting to make sure we leave a strong democracy for our children.